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3 Best Practices For Utilizing Hashtags On The Instagram Platform

· Social Marketing

If you want to know 3 best practices for utilizing hashtags on the Instagram platform, and using a hashtag finder app, read this article.

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If you are seeking hashtags by using a hashtag finder tool, then you are probably seeking tags for the Instagram platform. Tags and Instagram go together like pepper and salt. Certainly, the platform might (sort of) work without tags, but it is a lot more powerful with the correct hashtag strategy. So, this article offers the best practices that the foremost experts engage in when it comes to using tags on the Instagram platform.


1. Always research your tags well before you use them

Utilizing tags in your posts will greatly enhance your outcomes. But, that does not mean that simply any vaguely-relevant tag will do. When selecting your tags, ensure that they are quite relevant to your post as well as your audience.

Top tip: Utilizing irrelevant yet popular tags only serves to appear spammy and get the wrong kind of attention for you. In addition to making sure that you use relevant tags, you should research them using any of the online tools, as well.


2. Leverage much more niche tags

Utilizing popular tags that feature truly high volumes is surely tempting; after all, the more popular the tags happen to be, the bigger your chances of reaching a much larger and wider audience, right? Well, not necessarily. Super-popular tags that have millions of posts might get you some additional attention, but is it the most appropriate kind of attention? You can find the answer to this question by using a quality hashtag finder app.


Most probably, those who’ll interact with your updates because of the popular tags you’ve used will end up not being any part of the audience you are targeting. They won’tbe the individuals who stick around for longer periods to check more of your updates out, and eventually, begin to interact with the brand or business that you are promoting. This does not mean that you should never use popular tags – but instead that you should try to leverage niche tags in your posts because they will help you in reaching an audience that’s a lot more targeted.


3. Keep captions clean of tags

Since the Instagram platform allows you to include as many as 30 tags in your content, you will surely be tempted to use all of that number. After all, the more the tags that you use, the higher that your reach will be, right? Nevertheless, using just too many tags in your caption can appear quite messy and even a little bit spammy. But, there happens to be an easy fix to this challenge; just have your tags posted within the first comment instead of the caption. That, nevertheless, can turn out to be a little bit of a pain because you will have to wait for the post to published before you can then go on to comment.


In conclusion, using the most appropriate hashtag finder tool to find and use the most appropriate hashtags can end up making a very huge impact on your Instagram efforts. Take your time to go through this information again to help you use your tags most appropriately. But, recall that it isn’t about only quickly finding tags and saving time – it is about using the right tags rightly.